Support did reply to you. They told you to message middleman support. You never did that. You also needed to activate your order which you never did. Instead you just opened a dispute in PayPal instead of communicating with us. Opening disputes are a violation of our terms of service.
Additionally setting up multiple accounts is another violation of our terms of service. When you're ready to follow the rules and fix your mistakes here, let us know and we'll be happy to reopen your account.
Eu tinha esquecido a senha da outra conta. Acho que banir por um erro pequeno desse é desnecessario. Na situação acima. O erro foi de voces. Esperei mais de uma semana por um retorno do ticket antes de abrir a disputa. Mandei 3 mensagens no ticket. Ficaria feliz em continuar usando o playerup. Reconheco que errei em ter duas contas. Mas não tenho culpa na disputa do PayPal. Abraços
Suspension lifted but your verification badge has been revoked because of this. Once you do good business here, you can receive it back.
If you fail to appropriately contact support in the future and just dispute in PayPal, we will close your account. This is an one time warning on this matter.