Selling  1-9 Games Marvel Spiderman - Digital Deluxe Edition

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network Accounts | PSN Account - Buy & Sell' started by Myburneddesire, 11/27/18.

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  1. Myburneddesire

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    Hi there,

    Thank you for choosing my store to buy PS4 games acc.

    The period during which the game will work mostly depends on you and your actions. 99% of accounts work for a long time. If online is not important to you, I would advise you to turn off the Internet on PS4 after the games have been downloaded. There are many opinions about this and there is no consensus. But it is somehow calmer.
    All games have English! If you need another language please contact me before making a purchase. Looking for some specific games? Just ready to help you with this

    The account that will be given to you will have all the devices deactivated, be ready with your console turned on when you are given the account login/pass

    download ps app on your phone, log in with the details I provided you and check if owner is online. Log back in later if the owner is offline


    Follow these steps after you receive Account login:pass

    1, Go to your account if you are logged in, switch user->create user-> follow the steps
    2, Add the account details I gave you
    3, It may ask you activate the ps4 as primary or it may activate by it self. in any case check from settings -> account management -> Activate as your Primary ps4
    4, Download the game you need from library
    5, Log out of the account (NOTE: DO NOT LOGIN AGAIN IF you don't wanna lose the account)
    6, go back to your account and wait for the download to complete

    if you haven't activated your ps4 as primary from the account I gave you, the game after completing download will show a lock icon beside the name. You can avoid this buy following the steps outlined above.

    Please Do not change the password email of the account I gave. If you do may lose the account

    NOTE: no warranty provided with these accounts. They are cheap and that's why you pay a small price, it comes with risk of losing the account. You have been informed

    There will be no refunds, please don't ask again.

    I'll make sure you have the correct login details and if you follow the steps you won't have any problem.

    Enjoy gaming !!

    P.S: if you need any game not listed in the store, Message/inbox me
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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