Selling [Trading] Willing to trade my wow eu account for gw2 euor eso eu high end accounts

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by astragoos, 11/26/18.

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  1. astragoos

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    As the title says willing to trade my wow Eu Draenor server account for either gw2 euor Eso eu accounts. Wow account has 1month Game time left as of this day. Account has one of the rarest cosmetic item Tusks of Mannoroth on it, roughly 44 mounts, some rare ones,

    All Horde allied races unlocked !

    Mag'har orc male Warrior - 369 Iivl Groghar - Character
    Nightborne female Rogue- 344 ilvl
    Nightborne female Mage lvl113
    Nightborne female Warrior lvl111

    x2 more 110lvls on Stormscale server. And few low lvl characters.

    Contact me on Discord : Chocolate Hater#1359

    Best regards !
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