Art of conquest Android account to sell. Current Realm 1052:KRAGGAN Rakan race lvl 40 (1435K) all lvl 13 troops Level 12 Academy - 122-222-222-135-183-90 Resources Gold - 3783K Elixir - 341.7K Lumber - 1755K Blood dimond - 24.89K Mithril - 25.67K Crystal - 36.83K Troop Rush - 7D 16H Energy potion - 1356 Mana Potion - 935 Recovery potion - 854 Jade Aeries Map - 6 Plus - Lots of Cards Bildings - Allmost all are bilt! (Level 24 gate and level 12 assembly yard need´s to be done) Army Gold cap 143/116 56 gold lama 60 gold Desperado 27 gold Blademaster Silver cap 767/767 113 silver archers 128 silver swords 39 silver horses 35 silver Abbess 1 silver Venomweaver 41 silver Rocketeer 16 silver Warden 82 silver Arabalester 3 silver Ragon Terrapin Plus Bronz cap 2301/2301 - swords, seperman, archers, horses, abbes, mounted archer, mummy, sandstinger, spider x 4...ect Heros Rufio lvl 32 Avril lvl 30 Avalon lvl 44 Elena lvl 31 Vega lvl 28 Virion lvl 30 Gan lvl 31 Gazul lvl 36 Cleo lvl 35 wraxius lvl 35 Grimms lvl 33 Nora lvl 32 Mako lvl 30 Baelrog lvl 33 Fenris lvl 32 Dragon Lair Elder Azure Dragon- Lvl 32 - 22.72K Rankings - 39-40-48-39-38-37-39-40 Most hero’s are equipped with at divine items. I play evey day - so the account is groing. This data is from 23 of noveber (year 2018). I will quit playing after i sell the account - Easy way for you to get AoC Power Account!! I´m a player from Estonia, you can send me email ([email protected]) if you have interest to buy it/or you have more questions. Max.
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