B04 level 45 Acct! Only 6 hrs of playtime!! 2.4 K/D 300,000 score averages 800 score a minute 1.4 w/L ratio 4,300 score per game! Icr Gun is MAX Level ps4 can provide pictures of all guns and there cammos and gun level. 40$ is starting price demanding on the demand for acct the price is # account has other games on it aswell email me @jonnyball352@gmail.com kik: joshhendricks23 Have a nice Day!
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I will trade you A (Ubisoft Account) - With: Tom CLancy's Rainbow Six Siege, Assassins Creed IV Black Flag, and Assassins Creed Syndicate, and For Honor (I WILL GO FIRST) MY DISCORD: Dixie Normous#0035 Please accept as soon as possible! Like I said earlier, I will go first and everything. I will even talk about offering some other stuff too! I would love to talk to you about this