The game is starting to feel a lot like work to me, so I'm quitting and giving away my account, probably first come first serve, unless someone makes a convincing case they "need" it more. Hero Merges IVsRed L!Ike 3 NeutralB!Tharja 3 -HP/+ATKKarla 1 -HP/+ATKTana 1 -RES/+SPDOlivia 1 -HP/+ATKKarel -DEF/+SPDZelgius -SPD/+DEFSigurd -DEF/+SPDH!Myrrh -HP/+ATKBlue Micaiah 5 -HP/+ATKL!Tiki 1 -HP/+DEFFjorm NeutralS!Catria -ATK/+HPGreen S!Sharena 1 -SPD/+DEFL!Hector 1 -SPD/+DEFH!Dorcas 1 NeutralFae -HP/+ATKLewyn -DEF/+SPDMyrrh -ATK/+HPColorless B!Lyn 1 NeutralEthlyn 1 NeutralVeronica NeutralL!Robin -RES/+SPDGenny -ATK/+RESInnes -SPD/+DEF A lot of the orbs through additional non-story maps/squad assaults have already been harvested. My #/FireEmblemHeroes posts as additional proof: first, second & third Edit: Aether Raids status, Aether Amphorae, Def Fortress and Heavy Trap (slow) are Lv. 2, rest Lv. 1. # #/Jaquesant # .