Troops 22 mil Building 71 mil Research 273 mil Equipment 333 mil Construction speed - 538% Research speed - 724% Training speed - 258% Many acceleration, buffs, resources Many pieces for crafting
Castle 27 force 817+ Million 28 million of troops Force of troops = 129 Million Building = 71 Million Research = 278 Million Equipment = 335 Million speed of construction - 499 % speed of research - 723 % speeds of training of troops - 258% Sets infantry - gold + 11,11,10,6,11,8 guards - gold + 7,5,4,0,0 cavalries - gold + 2,2,3,0,0,0 archer - gold + 4,5,2,0,0,0 construction - gold 2,1,0,0 research - gold +10,8,3,0,0 VIP 22 level lord 53 lvl 42 000 of gold more resources and buff price 300$, or your offer You can contact me by email : [email protected]
Castle 27 force 1b+ Million 36 million of troops Force of troops = 157 Million Building = 83Million Research = 397 Million Equipment = 360 Million speed of construction - 573 % speed of research - 823 % speeds of training of troops - 278% Sets infantry - gold + 11,11,10,10,11,7 guards - gold + 9,5,4,4,0 cavalries - gold + 2,2,3,0,0,0 archer - gold + 5,5,3,0,0,0 construction - gold 4,3,2,0 research - gold +10,9,10,0,0 VIP 22 level lord 55 lvl 220 000 of gold more resources and buff and accelerations price 200$, or your offer You can contact me by email : [email protected]