C20 Bp: 940k Lordlvl: 24, sergeant Beastlvl: 8 Food: 2mil Wood: 2mil Stone: 564k Iron: 60k Hopital:16 Barracks:1 lvl 17, 1 lvl 16, 2 lvl14 and 1 lvl9 Embassy: 17 College: 18 Drill grounds: 17 Depot: 19 Blacksmith: 18 Wall: 20 Tower: 18 Troops: 132k Extras Food crate yield: 16,461,000 Wood crate yield: 12,943,000 Stone crate yield: 631,400 Iron crate yield: 294,000 Gem crate: 5gems x 26 and 50gems x 1 Wish cards:41 Shells:6880 Farms C15 and C14 Total rss will vary slightly as the account is in an alliance with donation reqirements.
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