Selling  Southeast Asia  Android and iOS Fully COMPLETE end-game account on SEA! All Valkyries, All gears, Max'ed level! Server TOP!

Discussion in 'Honkai Impact Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SphinxK, 11/6/18.

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  1. SphinxK

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    *This is a COMPLETE END-GAME account! Basically, All Characters, All gears, Max'ed level.

    For almost a year, I have invested over $10k dollars(836k crystal bought) in this account. I want to pull out from this game and stop it from draining my wallet further.

    This account features:
    • ALL Base S Valks (KMB, LE and 6th are SS with 6th very close to SSS)
    • ALL Base A Valks are SSS rank (including all Sakura and Kallen, Thresa's LK is an exception because in current version her frag is not yet obtainable)
    • MAXed captain level and MAXed Valkyrie levels

    ALL Valkyries are FULLY geared include:
    • ALL top-notch weapons. Have multiple copies of those extremely OP ones (Judah, Sanata, etc) to cope with all rare situations (33 level max'ed/ total 47 gatcha rare weapons)
    • ALL top-notch stigmata. Include all possible useful ones for abyss, memorial arena, you name it. Again I have multiple copies of those super useful ones (66 level max'ed/ total over 100 gatcha rare stigmata)
    *detailed screenshots are uploaded
    • ALL cash costumes
    • 13000 crystals are left in the account for you to spend

    With this account you can enjoy the fun of ALL in-game characters! Complete gear sets made ALL team combinations possible. You will be the MVP of every single battle and sitting on top of all ranked contents. It's easy to stomp through Memorial arena and Myriad abyss and placed in the top ranks.

    This account is also linked with my email and fb. I'm not able to share those but I will try to contact with Mihoyo to unlink. I can give you the Mihoyo account. After the transaction, I will delete the game and no longer be playing so don't worry. If you ever encounter any issues with this account in the future I will always be glad to help out :)
    *if you are also living in Sydney Australia we can arrange a meetup too

    #1 SphinxK, 11/6/18
    Last edited: 11/6/18
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  2. PlayerUp

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  3. Gokumai

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    Hi can I contact you privately about the price and to ask more screenshots? Here is my discord ambroschannel#1882
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