Trading Working Wallhack [NEW]-unpatched

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/29/14.

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  1. Games

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    New wallhack for 20-30 Coins


    Maps Included:

    (for all except quest) [best!]

    Island (for all mode)

    Garden (for all mode)

    (for all mode) [hardest to edit]

    Hall (duel)

    Castle (all mode)

    Town (all mode)

    Ruin (all mode)

    Station (all mode)

    Factory (all mode)

    Catacomb (duel)

    Stairway (all mode)


    Catacomb - no fog

    Mansion TDM - spawn at enemy base

    Dungeon - behind the wall, with some restrictions to movement

    Island - you can't stop no ghost wall you can fly and go any way in the wall !!

    All the rest are pretty much the same as above ones.

    Link : [30G.Coins Only]

    Tested maps

    Castle .......................[Good]

    Catacomb ..................[Good]

    Dungeon ....................[Good]

    Factory ................... [Normal]

    Garden ......................[Good]

    Hall ......................... [Normal]

    Island ....................[Very good]

    Mansion .....................[Poor]

    Port .......................... [Low]

    Ruin ..........................[Good]


    Town .......................[Normal]

    Best map tested : Island

    MSN :

    Yahoo :

    [i have missive working if u wanna this 40 coins only ]

    [if you wanna screenshot i will put .. just tell me man ]

    [don't tell me "you noob,i have wallhack free" cuz it new ]

    Good night !

    Wow we have to pay for it?

    man thats 3 dollars only .. and you have nice # then lol... wanna or no ?

    Lol. Wow...

    why you noob all ? what i will do with lol and wow ? if u wan just tell me don't put a bad posts lol !!
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