Sell 161 lv WA on Mercury with this eq: Warrior on Mercury EU with weapon,boots,suit,glove - screen from game screen --> Items: 1- Mith gloves +9 8 amp (free slot) screen --> 2- Mith suit +7 7 amp 2 slot (on first slot 50 HP also second is free) screen --> 3- Craftsman's shineguard boots +8 7 amp 20 def and hp steal on slot [no bind] screen --> Weapon: 4- Redosm Daikatana 72Cd +7 screen --> Info: - skills and upgrades skills is full completed, bm3 1lvl,6 hr,never #, never reports. I've never used cheats on this char it's completely clear. Pm me or post below for other info and plz send me offers (cabal alz on mercury/mars or real payment) Thx I've Skype btw. bump