On the account theres a 30 R.Rank Force archer, 24 R.Rank Wizzard, 11 R.Rank Warrior, 18 R.Rank Force Archer. 13 R.Rank ForceShielder Donated Gear Listed below! Hellfire +15 Orb 2x Crafted cdi 1slot cdi 2slots msa BOS+5 2x Crafted MSA 2sots MSA AOP+7 1slot max crit rate Hellfire +13 war axe, craft cdi 3slots full cdi 90% cdi theres about 120euros spent on this gear Other important items! Full +15 24% magic amp parts shadow titanum forcearcher and wizzard set. Warrior has +15 24 sword amp helm/boots/gloves shadow titanium. and Forceshield has full Alz drop rate set! Please add me on to skype and tell me your offer. i am interested in anything due to cabal privates and cabal NA titan! OR Money on paypal USD or EUROS Im selling it cheap!! if you offer me like 50 euros il take it. ALL DONOR GEAR ARE ACCOUNT BIND! SKYPE: cabalgirl1 ADD ME AND LET ME KNOW HERE IF YOU ADDED ME!! offer me anything game related BUMP BUMP CHEAP OFFER ME ITEMS/ALZ ON ANY OTHER PRIVTE SERVER OR NA CABAL OR USD Bump still need offers