Sold [Store] Various Kato 14 + Howl 0.03 w/ IBP

Discussion in 'CSGO Items for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Items' started by /u/HobshyTV, 10/30/18.

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  1. /u/HobshyTV

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    Item (ss) Exterior (Float) Stickers
    AK-47 ~ Case Hardened (ft) 0.22 Reason Holo on wood
    78 Keys​
    AK-47 ~ Case Hardened (mw) 0.09 4 x Dignitas Holo (2 Kato, 2 Cologne)
    285 Keys​
    AWP ~ Lightning Strike (fn) 0.05 LDLC Holo on Scope + ESL Wolf
    110 Keys​
    StatTrak™ P250 ~ Steel Disruption (fn) 0.05 Vox Holo #1 Spot + CM Holo
    65 Keys​
    AWP ~ Redline (mw) 0.140 IBP Holo on Scope + LGB Holo, 3D Max Holo, & HR non holo
    265 Keys​


    Item (ss) Exterior (Float) Stickers
    Howl (FN) 0.03 Clean look, IBP Kato 14 Non Holo on Stock
    545 Keys​
    Souvenir FAMAS ~ Styx (fn) 0.01 When Gla1ve was a stand-in, very few maps
    28 Keys​

    Open to skins and/or Keys (Please no Hydra/Vanilla) - Looking to get Pandora Gloves (mw) and a Neo Noir FN ST M4 (future kato craft)

    Feel free to add me to discuss:

    Trade Link: Click Here

    # #/HobshyTV
    . .
    #1 /u/HobshyTV, 10/30/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/21/24
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