Im getting too busy, so I dont have too much time to play anymore. I have 227 legendary cards. Most are quaded. 5 mthyics. I have Stan at level 6, Stewie at level 6, Leela at level 4, Dr. Zoidberg at level 4 and Bob at level 2. For legendaries I have... 1-Arcturay Kung **.....Doubled 1-Arlen YMCA..............Doubled 2-Baked Evil Monkey..1-Quaded, 1Single 1-Bazonga Bazooka....Quaded 1-Bedtime Stories........Doubled 2-Benders....1-Quaded, 1-Single 2-Bending Schools....1-Double, 1-Single 1-Big Mountain Fudge Cake..Doubled 2-Bill Dauterive...Both Single 5-Blernsball..1-Quad, 1-Doubled, 3-Singles 5-Bobbys...2-Quads, 3-Singles 1- Book of Spells....Doubled 2-Brian the Home Invader Lewis..1-Quad, 1-Single 2-Bunny Costumes.. 1-Doubled, 1-Single 1-Butterscotch Cookies.. Doubled 3-Candy Cane Gun..3-Singles 2-Capoeira Reginald..1-Doubled, 1-Single 1-Cat Guards.. Doubled 1-Cat Launcher... Doubled 1-Caulk Gun... Quad 1-Chinchilla Addict Wayne..Doubled 1-Chris Griffin... Single 1-Christobels Painting.. Single 2-PC-Class Spankers..Both single 1-Deers with Guns...Doubled 1-Diamond Crusher..Doubled 2-Doingg..1-Quad, 1-Single 1-Doomsday Device..Doubled 1-Doubles Ping Pong.. Single 3-Dr.Amy Wong...1-Quad, 2-Singles 1-Equestranaut Costume..Single 1-Eugene Belcher... Quad 3-Fart School for the Gifted..1-Quad,1-Doubled,1Single 3-Fart School Jimmy Jr.. 3-Singles 2-Fashion Wresting.. 1-Double,1-Single 1-Ghost Boy...Single 2-Hank Hills..Both Quaded 1-Heat Packing Priest.. Doubled 1-PC-Heavy Metal Hayley..Doubled 1-Himalayan Observatory Monks..Single 1-PC-Hiphop Bob..Single 3-Horse Camp..1-Quad,2-Singles 1-Iraq Lobster..Doubled 3-James Wood High School..1-Doubled,1-Single 1-PC-Jealous Bobby...Doubled 2-Jellybean Schnapps..1-Double,1-Single 1-PC-Jose Servo..Single 2-KPop Video...1Double,1-Single 2-Katana Trisha Takanawa...2-Singles 3-Klaus Heisler...Singles 1-Leon Petard...Doubled 2-Linda Belcher...Singles 4-Lois Griffen...1-Quad,3-Singles 2-Long Sticks with Sharp Rocks..1-Quad,1-Doubled 2-Miguel...1-Doubled,1-Single 1-Mobile Oppression Palace..Quaded 2-Mr.Business...1-Double,1-Single 2-Napkin Art...1-Double,1-Single 1-No Mercy Dojo...Doubled 1-Oktober Brau...Doubled 1-PC-One Art Please...Single 1-PC-Paintball Hank..Doubled 3-Pantry Guns..1-Quaded,2-Singles 2-Party in a Beer Tank..1-Quaded,1-Single 2-Pawtucket Patriot Ale..1-Double,1-Single 1-Personalized Beer Mug..Single 5-Peter Griffin..2-Quaded,3-Singles 3-Phillip J Fry..2-Quaded,1-Single 2-PC-Pirate Cannon Peter..1-Double,1-Single 1-Purity Dad's..Single 2-Pushups..1-Quaded,1Single 3-Quahog Martial Arts Acadamy..3-Singles 2-Red Shirt Blue Shirt..Singles 1-Reflections..Single 1-Roger..Quaded 4-Rogers Closet.. 3-Quaded,1-Single 1-Rogers Sexy Shorts..Single 1-Rubbernecks..Single 2-Sacrifical Robot Goat..Singles 1-Sad Clown..Single 1-Scary Mask..Single 1-PC-Scientific Rivals..Single 1-PC-Sculptor Peter..Single 1-PC-Shoplift Addict..Single 1-Shuttlecock Ring..Single 2-Ski Mask...1-Double,1-Single 2-Snot Rocket..1-Quad,1-Single 1-PC-Softball Boomhauer..Single 1-PC-Sprayon Army Fry..Quad 1-Springbreak Shots..Single 1-Steve Smith..Single 1-Stop Hitting Yourself..Single 2-Stuffington Academy..1-Double,1-Single 1-Synchronized Swimming..Single 1-Terrestrial Cycling..Single 1-Thats My Portrait..Single 1-Thunder Cocktails..Single 3-Tinas..1-Quad,1-Double,1-Single 1-Toad Licking..Single 1-Tom Landry Baseball Team..Single 2-Tom Landry Middle School..Both Quaded 1-Toxic Shock..Doubled 1-Turning Jeff..Single 1-PC-Vengence Quagmire..Single 1-Vodka Beer...Quaded 5-Welcome Mojitos..1-Quad,1-Double,3-Single 2-Wine bucket..1-Double,1-Single 1-Wine Trio..Single 1-PC-Wingnut Leela..Doubled 2-Witch Costume..1-Quad,1-Single 1-Wozniak Nerd Academy..Single