Hi, selling a Castle 29 in realm 58. Be competitve in Atlantis or upgrade to Castle 31 and do the Path of Glory Details: Castle 29 with VIP 15 and 200K of gold Paragon points: 51 points (Cautions March released) Promoting faction units to level 25. Army: 8M - 1M archer T4, 734k of others T4. 280k of T5 (from spies missions), 457k of facction units All spies level 15. Chances of success with equipment: +32% Construction speed with talents and equipment: 620% Research I, II, III and IV completed. Research speed with talents and equipment: 601% Speed ups: 16 of 30 days; 8 of 7 days, more than 300 of 3 days/24 hours/8 hours 4 victories in Atlantis 2 equipments from Imperial Games Lots of legendary equipments. Resources from items not opened: 925M food; 727M wood; 329M stone; 519M Iron; 431M Silver Bonus PVP attack/defense to horses with archers without buffs: Horse: 1570%/1019% with Archers 931%/627% Bonuns PVE: About 2000%/1200% (Depends on talents, buffs and type of melee) About realm: More than 250 playes active with a near merge of realms (they researching if we want merge). Currently leader of an Alliance with 50 members, but you can go easily to a bigger Alliance
Updating data: Realm 158 merged with 156 and 163 creating the realm 225 Champion level 75 (max) Army might: 146M Total might: 474M Paragon points: 53 Resouces from items NOT opened: Food: >1B; Wood > 800M. Stone > 400M; Iron > 500M; Silver > 500M 6 legendary adventurer of each type, except adventurer who increases experience (only 4)