selling my kings raid account. just no longer interested in the game. T5: frey, roi, gau, phillop, kaulah,maria, miruru, lorraine,clause, rephy, reina,pavel, naila, fluss, laias, lewisia, nyx,annette, ricardo, theo,mediana, oddy, viska, zafir, ophelia,requina, aselica, crow, sonia, kara, may, gladi,veronica, loman, luna T3: demia, baudouin, jane, mitra, priscilla, juno, leo, scarlet T1: arch other: chase, cleo, kasel,mirianee, tanya, shea 5* uw: roi, lewisia, nyx, theo, ophelia, requina 4* uw: miruru, fluss, annette, oddy 3* uw: mediana, zafir, aselica 2* uw: veronica, loman, gladi misc uw: pavel, luna, tanya, viska, aselica, scarlet, maria, rephy, may artifacts: 4* skeleton mask, 3* goblin, harpy, orc, 4* drinking horn, 3 * cat statue, 3* soul spring water, 3* talisman of resistance, 4* pocketwatch, 1* pocket watch, 3* golden mask, 4* sealed chain, 2* tarot card, 2x2* burning brazier, 1* angry pumpkin, 2* boe, 1* boe ut: 4* ut3 ophelia, 4* ut3 roi, 4* ut 3 aselica, 3* reina ut3, 2* lewisia ut2, 3* crow ut3, 2* kara ut3 have more various ut but those are the notable ones. misc: 25 infinity stones, lua uw ticket, 6 ut ticket, 4 uw ticket, 1 artifact ticket (regular one), darkness costume ticket, 80k gold, 2,200 ruby all characters have at least 1 costume. have decent T8 armors. magic team auto top 100. phy team prob can top 100 if manual. i think luna has some issue where she can't level up cause she still has an event candy item equipped(like a flask). message me if interested. Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
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