Selling  Sold  High End  Android and iOS Lvl 170 Play Daily + Gem 19700 (Gilga, Noct, Aranea, Laharl +) No Injection + No #

Discussion in 'The Alchemist Code Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TACAccount4sale, 10/17/18.

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  1. TACAccount4sale

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    Price $:
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    Account Level: 170

    Currently has over 19700 Gems (Will change +800 -800 due to playing and pulling 1st steps on banner)
    This alone is close to $160 worth of gems! NO INJECTION, # INVOLVED AT ALL.
    I just put in time, some money and controlled pulls
    No dummy FB account will be provided due to unlike most people I did not start this account intending on selling.
    After being sold to rightful person I will uninstall the game and will no longer play.

    I have been playing this game for a long time and daily as you will see in the pics.
    I do not want invest more time for personal reasons and I hate to see it just go to waste.
    With units, resources, gems you can see on pics. This is easily over $300 account.
    I would love to sell it for $199 (Open to negotiations... if not many inquiry)

    Only accept Paypal

    Discord ID TACaccount4sale#9354

    Serious inquiries only please.

    3 Job mastered Units
    (Have tons of apples to make all units 85 and more
    Please browse through picture)

    Laharl 76
    Noctis 75
    Gilgamesh 75
    Aranea 74/75

    Fung Liu 80/83
    Lamia J+ 82/84
    Lucian J+ 85
    Rahu J+ 85
    Lofia J+ 84/85
    Anastasia J+ 82/85
    Vettel 83/85
    Zangetsu 83/85
    Kanon 75

    2 JM units
    F Yomi 66
    Mei Fang with her spear 70/71
    Rosa 80/84
    Shenmei 80/85
    Shayna 74/75

    Will not mention 1 JM units because the list will be too long you can see the pics and will be able to see

    Please refresh the pages if you can't see the links to the pics

    Other perks

    19715 Gems (Will change +800 -800 due to playing and pulling 1st steps on banner)
    Tons of items for jobs (Such as 46 Sacred Lion Blades, 31 Flame Emperor armor, etc.)
    Unique gears,
    Plenty of Zeni (Number will fluctuate due to playing daily)
    Over 3100 skip tickets (Number will fluctuate due to playing daily)
    73 Sacred stone skip tickets
    Tons of shards
    Will be receiving 4-5 5* tickets next week due to the Shard event
    Zaharl, Vettal, Chloe, Vanekis almost Kaigan ready
    And more just see the pics and make sure to click load 15 more pics

    Story Progression: Up to Ch 3:Ep 3 [1-1] (Do this when we have half AP events)
    Veda Tower Progression: Up to Floor 70)


    #1 TACAccount4sale, 10/18/18
    Last edited: 10/17/18
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  3. OP

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