Sold [H] 100,000 Traffic to your Blog/Website [W] $4.95 Paypal/XRP

Discussion in 'OG Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Accounts' started by /u/alexdani100, 10/14/18.

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  1. /u/alexdani100

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    I am offering 100,000 traffic to your blog or website. These are all mainly bot traffic with any source you want (Google, facebook., Reddit, Pinterest, instagram.) etc.

    Benefits –

    1. Improving Alexa ranking

    2. If you want to manipulate the Google analytics stats. Will appear on Google Analytics/ Histats or any other traffic tracking tool.

    3. Can drip-feed the traffic for you.

    4. Can control the acitvity of the traffic like how long you want the traffic to stay or if you want the traffic to click on link to reduce bounce rate etc.

    5. Use them to reduce CTR.

    Just be creative and you will have maximum benefits.

    Cost - $5 per 100,000 visits.

    Payment mode - Paypal/Crypto

    # #/alexdani100
    . .
    #1 /u/alexdani100, 10/14/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/23/19
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