Hello! I am currently selling my lovely MR16 Hunter founder account with email! Its now mr17 !!! -> Price - 450$ #<- I have invested a bit money in this account as following: Limbo Prime Cataclysm Pack Chroma Prime Effigy Pack 4020 plat with 50% off There are receipts within the email for these Currencies: Credits: 100k Plat: 11 What does it have? This is the good part! because it has all this stuff as listed! Excalibur Prime! Gram + Rubico rivens ( around 5k together ) Alot of other good rivens ( 10k ish ) Skins and stuff for the owned frames! 4-2-3 + 3-2-3 AMP for eidolon hunting ( comes with arcane fury MAXED ) Arcane energize ( MAXED ) Some other good arcanes! End-game builds for the frames! All Prisma weapons! Tons of weapons soon ready from foundry ( i will level up the stuff until account is sold ) 180ish affinity + credit booster! Payment will be done through PayPal - Proberly using MM (MiddleMan) aswell for the safety. Contact: Discord - DK#7603 Images can be found Here Feel free to ask me anything!
hi can you play warframe with my accounts all prime frame avaiblre but just need excaibur prime...........