Selling   (IOS and Android) DFFOO Global Acc Day 1, LOTS of mlb'd weapons, rank 306

Discussion in 'Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia DFFOO Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JasonHo1994, 10/10/18.

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  1. JasonHo1994

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    Hello potential customer(s),

    I am looking to sell away my DFFOO global account since I don't have time to play it as competitive as I used to be. This account is set for the most competitive 0.1% players those consider themselves to be perfectionists and wanting to push even further. The account is ready to conquer the Awakening Era as well as EX weapons era.
    Add me on Discord to ask for full details since I am more more responsive on Discord than here.
    Discord id: Riku#2116
    Paypal through friends and family only

    >Rank 306/ 73 unused armor tokens/ 500 inventory storages/ over 85% of units are max crystal levels
    >5.5 millions gil/ 10 power stones
    >Every characters are achieved (at the time that this thread is posted)
    >20k+ gems (can be more if I continue to do events)
    >Godly-grinded artifacts for many tier 1 -> tier 3 units
    >Fully loaded with 15cp and 35cp weapons mlb'd (3 orbs) for the following characters:
    - Lightning (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - Ramza (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - Papalymo (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - Ashe (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - Squall (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - Setzer (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - SAZH (35cp and 15cp)/current #/ w full capped tokens armor
    - Vaan (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - Tidus (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - Krile (35cp and 15cp)
    - Eiko (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - Garnet (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - Edgar (35cp and 15cp)
    - Serah (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - KUJA (35cp and 15cp)/current #/ w full capped tokens armor
    - SEPHIROTH (35cp and 15cp)/current # /w full capped tokens armor
    - Palom (35cp and 15cp) w full capped tokens armor
    - Yuna (35cp and 15cp)/ also coming along with alternative costume/ w full capped tokens armor
    - Cloud (35cp - 15cp and NT weapon) w full capped tokens armor
    - Dark Knight Cecil (15cp)
    - Yda (15cp)
    - Irvine (15cp)
    - Seymour (15cp)
    Other TONS of 15cp and 35cp weapons of other characters.

    For any further details, please contact me through my Discord id which I have provided above, I will follow and provide full details with pictures and timestamps.
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  2. PlayerUp

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