Introduction to Sudden Attack(teaching about some stuff too)

Discussion in 'Sudden Attack Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/28/14.

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    I saw another thread though by ericongq,even though he just gave a download link and stuff its still quite ok I guess.

    Intro to Sudden Attack:

    Sudden Attack is just like any other fps(First person shooting for those who don't know) game.

    Stuff you would learn here[D for done UD for undone]:

    i.Intro to Team[D]

    ii.Map Modes.[D]

    iii.Strategies most commonly used[UD]

    iv.Weapon Suggestion[UD]



    1.Intro to Team.

    In this game you are divided into 2 Teams:

    Blue team[Counter -terrorist/Police force]

    Red team[Terrorist]

    In mission mode,Blue team is needed to defend the base preventing the red team to plant the bomb.

    The others are just wiping out.

    ii.Map Modes:

    (a)Team Death Match

    Opinion:Easy for beginners

    This is the simplest of the all available game mode in Sudden Attack. The objective of the game is to the highest scoring team in the game at the end of the count down, or be the first team to reach the victory score.However it is easier to get bs.


    Opinion:Easy and won't getbored easily

    The Red team will be armed with a C4 bomb, to be used on the designated target found in the map. The red team must successfully plant the bomb on the target(A/B site) and defend it until the bomb detonates or eliminate the Blue team. While the defuse team must defend the target from the opposing team or try to defuse the bomb before it explode. Targets will be displayed on the player?s radar.

    (c)Item Retrieval

    Opinion:Easiest to earn pts for those who are in need of pts

    This is game mode; Red team will be assigned as the defending team and must guard the target from the opposing team. Blue team must infiltrate the defense, remove the target and bring it back to their base to win the round. Targets will be highlighted on the player?s radar.

    (d)Property Defense

    Opinion:Nothing really interesting.

    Much like Item Retrieval mode, the defending team must guard their target area/base from the opposing team. The opposing team will invade the target area and tries to capture the area for as long as possible. A timer will begin whenever the opposing team successfully enters the target area; the defending team must than remove them as soon as possible.


    Opinion:It is easy as the map is small however look out for bs.

    Similar to Team Death Match but with the exception that players are only allow to be armed with a knife or other melee weapon, all other weapons will not be allowed in the game mode. The first team to reach the victory score or has the highest score at the end of the round wins.

    (Currently there are only 2 submission :MadCage(Knife) and Cross Counter(Snipe)).

    iii.Strategy most commonly used.

    Red team:

    Cool page! Like it!---------------------------------



    not bad not bad

    Any Aimbots Or wall hacks pls send to .... Thx = D

    nic e tutorials for BEGINERS
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