As said above, major 2nd grade account with 60% KD and 59% win/lose and some cash inside, 45k+ points, a 90 day UAR and 7 days unopen trg camo offers in SGD ty. no1 intrested ?? Whats th IGN? i wont say here, but if ur intrested, lets meet up and talk about it if you wanna sell an account you're to state: In Game Name Rank Rank Number SG / MY Created Kill / Death Ratio Win / Lose Ratio Name of squad and rank of squad (If you're inside a squad) Your e-mail for easy contacting What country do you live in Example hi all, i'm selling an account, please see the following for more info. In game name: Kata Rank: Field Marshall Rank Number: 1 Created in Singapore K/D 99% W/L 100% Squad name: SNP|CyberDome, Rank 1 Email: (fake email) I live in Singapore I know this might sound a bit demanding of your personal particulars but these are the information you have and must give when you are selling an account on . Not sure about other places, though. Hope I helped and this is my 299th Post. ehh $75 can? wrong section. suppose to go to other games trading section.