Selling  High End  Android and iOS Final game account TAC Lv165 ($ 80

Discussion in 'The Alchemist Code Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by asapsote, 10/2/18.

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  1. asapsote

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    Account Level: 165

    Story Progression: All done (up to the latest one, Chapter 3, Episode 3, Act 2)

    Veda Tower Progression: All done (up to Floor 70)

    Item World Tower Progression: All done (already reset the tower twice)

    Job+ Done: Rahu, Lofia, Anastasia, Balt, Freed (soon)

    Notable Strong Core Units:
    Vettel Lv85
    Zangetsu Lv85
    Laharl Lv82 (Disgaea Collab)
    Reimei Lv79 (soon to be 80)
    Courage Lv75
    Hazel Lv70
    Lofia Lv85 with J+
    Noctis Lv80 (FFXV Collab)
    Shenmei Lv80
    Fung Liu Lv80
    Netherworld Rin Lv75 (Disgaea Collab)
    Shayna Lv75
    Yauras Lv68
    Caris Lv85 with J+
    Magnus Lv82
    Teona Lv75
    Yuri Lv65 (Shinobina Collab)
    Lucian Lv85 without J+
    Rahu Lv85 with J+
    Yomi Lv85
    Balt Lv75 with J+
    Shion Lv70 (Global Exclusive)
    Setsuna Lv65
    Ryle Lv85
    Suzuka Lv80
    Etna Lv75 (Disgaea Collab)
    Zain Lv75
    Kanon Lv75
    Mielikki Lv75
    Anastasia Lv85 with J+
    Zahar Lv85
    Succubus Rosa Lv75 (Disgaea Collab)
    Albea Lv75
    Glanz Lv75
    and many more (see Screenshots section)

    Notable Useful Gears:
    Ouroboros's Medal
    Battlefield Drama
    Divine Spirit Arrow
    Wanderer's Hat
    Curious Doll
    Armor of Mystic Water
    Armor of Mystic Winds
    Armor of Mystic Thunder
    Alkemono Mascot
    Chronos Armor

    . It comes with original email account, alternative email, creation date and all the information you would need to change what you want.

    PM me your offer.
    add me to my email: [email protected]

    If any person is interested, you can ask for more information about the account by adding me to my email
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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