Selling  Stage 60+ Competitive Account (Current Decks: Amazoness/Fur Hire/Fire King Yubel/etc.) with 200+ URs/400+ SRs

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Brent Lewis, 10/1/18.

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  1. Brent Lewis

    Brent Lewis
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    Selling due to life commitments. Perfect for competitive play with little to no extra investment. Stage 57/30/26

    Decks/Deck Cores included:
    Amazoness (3x Princess/3x Swords Woman/2x Onslaught/1x Paladin/1x Tiger/1x Willpower/1x Queen)
    Fur Hire (3x Beat/3x All the Rares)
    Fire King Yubel (3x Yubel/1x Terror Incarnate/1x Ultimate Nightmare/3x Sacred Phoenix)
    HERO (3x Decider/3x Drilldark/3x Mask Change/2x Celestial/2x Malicious/1x Anki/1x Vyon/1x Dreamer/1x Destiny Draw)
    Cyber-Stein (3x Stein/3x Kuriboh/3x Gatling Dragon/1x Ojama King/1x Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon/1x Cybernetic Fusion Support/1x Flute of Summoning Kuriboh)
    Aroma (3x Jasmine/2x Rose Lover/2x Super Solar Nutrient)
    Gladiator Beast (2x Laquari/1x Equeste/1x Nerokius/3x the Rares)

    Other Notable URs included:
    3x Sphere Kuriboh
    1x Genex Undine
    1x The Tricky (Prismatic)
    1x Vision HERO Witch Raider
    1x Slifer the Sky Dragon (Prismatic)
    1x The Winged Dragon of Ra (Prismatic)
    2x Chaos Hunter
    1x Saffira, Queen of Dragons
    1x Dark Magician of Chaos
    1x King of the Swamp
    2x Lava Golem
    2x Black Luster Soldier - Sacred Soldier
    2x Gozuki
    2x Senju of the Thousand Hands
    2x Sonic Bird
    4x Blue-Eyes White Dragon (2x Prismatic)
    1x Mausoleum of White
    1x Unexpected Dai
    2x Dark World Dealings
    1x Dark World Lightning
    1x Cosmic Cyclone
    2x Tribute to the Doomed
    3x Supervise
    2x Paleozoic Canadia
    1x Widespread Ruin
    3x Floodgate Trap Hole
    1x Mirror Wall
    1x Stardust Dragon
    1x Flamvell Uruquizas
    1x Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroying Swordsman
    1x Dark Paladin

    Other Notable SRs included:
    2x The White Stone of Legend
    2x X-Saber Darksoul
    3x Dragon Ice
    1x Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
    3x Geargiattacker
    3x Hammer Shark
    3x Enemy Controller (2x Prismatic)
    1x Spellbook of Secrets
    1x Hey, Trunade!
    3x That Grass Looks Greener
    2x Double Cyclone
    2x Forbidden Chalice
    2x Super Rush Headlong
    1x Double Summon
    3x Union Attack
    3x Polymerization
    2x Treacherous Trap Hole
    2x Wall of Disruption
    3x Draining Shield
    2x Solemn Scolding
    3x Debunk
    1x Pulse Mines
    1x Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon

    Characters (and Notable Skills) included:
    Yami Yugi Lv35 (Destiny Draw)
    Seto Kaiba Lv35
    Joey Wheeler Lv15 (Grit)
    Mai Valentine Lv45 (Balance/Restart/Harpie's Hunting Ground)
    Tea Gardner Lv30 (Duel, Standby!/Life Cost 0)
    Yugi Moto Lv12 (Grandpa's Cards/Silent Duelist)
    Weevil Underwood Lv3
    Rex Raptor Lv34 (Titan Showdown)
    Mako Tsunami Lv8
    Yami Marik Lv3 (Power of the Tributed)
    Yami Bakura Lv16
    Bandit Keith Lv30 (Switcheroo/Restart)
    Ishizu Ishtar Lv20 (Sealed Tombs)
    Odion Lv30 (Endless Trap Hell/Chain Reaction)
    Maxmillion Pegasus Lv22 (Mind Scan)
    Mokuba Kaiba Lv2
    Paradox Brothers Lv30 (All Skills)
    Arkana Lv18
    Bonz Lv29 (Restart/Posthumous Grave)
    Jaden Yuki Lv30 (Restart)
    Aster Phoenix Lv40 (Destiny Calling)
    Jesse Anderson Lv2 (Transcendent Crystals)
    Chazz Princeton Lv30 (Dragonic Fusion)
    Alexis Rhodes Lv38
    Dr. Vellian Crowler Lv8 (Middle Age Mechs)
    Yubel Lv34 (All Skills)
    Bastion Misawa Lv13
    Syrus Truesdale Lv30 (Fusion Reserves - Roids)
    Yusei Fudo Lv26 (The Tie that Binds)
    Crow Hogan Lv6
    Akiza Izinski Lv29 (Balance/Level Augmentation)
    Leo Lv30 (Grit/Level Reduction/Level Augmentation/Equipment Exchange)
    Luna Lv1

    PM me for any queries/images. Will update post with images at a later time.
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