Sold [Selling] END Game GF & DC | 2x Legendary Mounts | Free Transcendent & Rank 14 Enchantments |

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HotsOnEpic, 10/1/18.

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  1. HotsOnEpic

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    If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact with me.

    Secure order with = END Game GF & DC | 2x Legendary Mounts | Free Transcendent & Rank 14 Enchantments |
    Secure order with Playerup = END Game GF & DC | 2x Legendary Mounts | Free Transcendent & Rank 14 Enchantments |
    Secure order with playerup = END Game GF & DC | 2x Legendary Mounts | Free Transcendent & Rank 14 Enchantments |

    Account comes with these enchantments. You can use these enchantments on all characters.
    1x Transcendent Lightning Enchantment (Bound Account)
    1x Transcendent Negation Enchantment (Bound Account)
    1x Anniversary Radiant Enchantment, Rank 14 (Bound Account)
    1x Bonding Runestone, Rank 14 (Bound Account)
    Other enchantments are just Rank 7.

    VIP RANK 9
    HDPS - Buff Guardian Fighter | All boons are 100%, Ravenloft 100% 0/4
    Two different Neck, Belt set. Valhalla & Demo Set
    Buff/Debuff Devoted Cleric | Boons are 90% Most of them completed.
    Tong, Codg, Castle Ravenloft dungeons are unlocked for all characters.
    Many Dungeon Keys

    Scourge Warlock Booster Pack free for all characters.
    Legendary Warpainted Tyrannosaur and Legendary Carpet of Flying on Guardian Fighter
    And other Epic, Rare, Uncommon mounts.
    Legendary, Epic, Rare, ,Uncommon companions.

    You can see more details, just check these screenshots.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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