DPS full 10.4 character +10.2 Tanking gear

Discussion in 'The Secret World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I have a male dps character, Dragon faction with:

    Full 10.4 gear with 10.4 glyphs, penetration/hit build with two 10.4/10.4 critical rating gear pieces.

    I have 3 weapons at 10.4 with 10.4 glyphs, AR, Shotgun, Pistols; I have a sword at 10.3/10 level.

    My AP wheel is 100%

    I have a most of the MP's, missing HF and Ankh, HF because it's so broken and Ankh because I'm lazy. I have MP in Facility.

    I would like 200-250 dollars for my account.


    Sure account info first I am legit because of feed back no other way to prove it.

    Then I supposed no one is interested then?

    How many PAX do you have?

    Originally Posted by rhodan007

    How many PAX do you have?

    Not a lot, around 10k

    alright, since there seems to be no interest, I'm going to not pay attn to this and cancel my TSW account. Thanks for letting post this.
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