Best TSW account in the game

Discussion in 'The Secret World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Full 10.5/10.5 in DPS, Healing, and tank gear.

    All talismans have purple signets except for 2 tank majors.

    Purple Violence x2, Purple vigour, Purple amelioration 3x, Abuse, Laceration, Fury, Ablation, Salvation, Discpline, Harmony, Temperance.. ect ect, everything is purple.

    Have all masterplanners, raid clear, 5 minute achievment.

    Legendary "third core capicator" raid drop.

    over 600 regional fragments, over 100 delivering ritual fragments.

    100% wheel completion alongside much much much more stuff on this account.

    willing to log in and show everything to anyone who is interested in buying it just to make you feel that much more comfortable. :]


    - - - Updated - - -

    Also selling 300 million pax, 1$ per million...


    200 million pax left.

    still up for grabs.

    does it have lifetime membership? if no, it ain't best acc

    Lifetime membership is pointless when theres no monthly payment needed don't you think?

    What do you get, to buy dumb clothes in the store? pets? titles?

    it had a point earlier on but not anymore, specially with the time it takes them to release content.

    but anyways, if you got a better account show me.

    if not, troll somewhere else.

    Imo, it's one of the best acc,

    but there is a point now to have lifetime membership because new patches will cost 675 pts to unlock the main quest.

    Ok, it will not cost too much everypatch but ... if you don't want to pay anymore ... looking for a lifetime acc is a good point.

    Have a nice day and maybe I'll buy you some gold.

    if your acc is without lifetime, don't ty to get more than 100$ for it. even that is too much tho, so good luck! D:

    got 250
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