A The Secret World Acc for a LoL Acc

Discussion in 'The Secret World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hello i am Wanting to trade my The Secret world account which has beaten the game has the 2 current DLC has MP'D DW on Nightmare along with HE on Nightmare also has around 1700 funcom points

    It can tank most all NM's along with heal the first 3 NM's and can dps all of them it has custom tali's for tank and dps basically it is QL10 all purples sept for healing has like 2 ql10 blues so basically some of the best gear

    I am willing to do a middleman if you get one.

    My skype name is: Siax222

    I wont trade first because i dont wish to be scammed

    And i am looking for a level 30 account doesnt need to be ranked ( also wish it to be NA account ) Thank you.



    i have a level 30 account wish has 58 champions mp me
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