alexeymani - North America - Summoners - League of Legends ---- my LOL account info i have 63 champs NA server Skins on this account : resistance caitlyn desperada cassiopea enchanted galio Darkforge jarvan4 judgement kyle Charred maokai Frozen terror Nocturne ravager nocturne Pentakill Sona Justycar Syndra Badger teemo LIL'Slugger trundle traditional trundle Vandal Twitch Full mashine victor vandal Vladimir Pentakill Yorick I also have and lvl 60 EU Diablo 3 account Witch Doctor 60k DPS stash w legendaries Skype : Alexey.Gordienko2 .; LOL account have been Sold ..... still have a battle net account please leave your skype name in this post before contacting me 8) skype name matoy101 if you like to trade your account for secret world