WTT Gw2 account for TsW account.

Discussion in 'The Secret World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    first off, I aint looking to trade the account for nothing BUT TsW so if you attempt to offer me something like DO or what ever your gonna get ignored... if your trading multiple things then thats cool as long as TsW is part of the trade... the account is pretty much clean now, was letting my ex use it until she cheated on meh (Hence ex) its still got gold and crap over 500 achivment points, its on a North American Server, server name is Dragon Brand, no scrub trades please, you can reach me via skype dj_blacktear there is two user names under that, both are my account but lost the password to one of them so just add both or you can reach me on steam, just look up AlphaFiveOne (SFOD-D)

    PS: I dont care if the account it new or not, infact I would prefer it be new and have it gifted to me, on a side note, im also intrested in Aliens Colonial Marines... so if your feeling generous you can gift them both to me, would be awesome, main thing that is requested.... I wont the game gifted to me on steam... if you cant gift it to me, then I will require something else in the trade as well be it Counter Strike or ACM or even Killing Floor... but like I said, I would rather have the game gifted to me for personal reasons also, who ever responds to this, can you tell me my feed back score? it was there a few days ago and now its not there... just wanna make sure it still says im at 100% XD

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