who will make best offer will got this sweet acc Hello Evryone! 1st of all want to say iam new to all this actions with selling acc. But anyhow wanna try. In Game Name Deceptlcon well known toon in TSW world. Got many price places in PvP tournaments WTS TSW Account (NO LIFE time) but bought all DLC available till this moment. Got nearly 400 funcom points and many other staff from item shop. 100% Skill wheel 100% Aux wheel 1. Got FULL pvp TANK set 10.5/.10.5 weapons and Talismans. Purple signets: violence/Castigation/Breaching/Order/Ablation/Salvation/Fortification) Augments made also for PvP not much but what needed and they are also LVL 5 its max. (also got different variations of talismans with different stats for PvP tank 10.5/.10.5 (4 more) 2. DD Set all glyphs 10.5./ 4 Talismans full 10.5/10.5 (Signets Blue Breach/Violence/ Purple: Storms) (also got LVL 5 augments and many variations of talismans and weapons 10.4/10.4 and 10.5/10.5) 3. Heal set got Full 10.4/10.5 set (Purple heal signets too many to post here all) AT least all over got 21 weapons and talismans full 10.5/10.5/ 74 weapons and Talismans full 10.4/10.4 Got tons of different marks/bulions/tickets/27 mil Pax/ mats/achivments e.t.c/ Account Rdy for doin anything u want PvE/PvP in all lvls. Contact in Skype b1oodCAT .; Sold bump Contacting.