Account played more than 2.5 years (8000+ battles played). I've got every T10 ship in Port including CVs allof them with 19Pts captains. WR is almost at 60%. WTR > 1800 You'll get special ships which are not available anymore: Missouri, Belfast, and Kutuzov!!! I haven't set a phone number yet. You won't be able to change the Email within 2 weeks you enter your phone number. Keep that in mind. But after you have set your phone number and changed the Email the account is no longer linked to anything from me. Karma is 190+ 1k+ doubloons 150mil+ credits 335k+ free XP 200k+ free commander XP 15.6mil+ convertible XP 76 Ships total 20 T10 Ships 27 19Pts Captains 9500 Steel and 98k+ Oil in the Arsenal (you can buy there various ships and Modules) 19 Premium Ships 9 Arpeggio Ships with Captains (some as high as 16Pts) including Takao 1 Dragon Fleet Ship 15 Free Port Slots Some spcial upgrades in inventory (Repair, Hydro etc) 1000+ camos available 4000+ signals available Many different flags including Stalingrad #2 from Clan Wars All collections completed including Yamamoto and Halsey T10Ships with Captain skill points: Shimakaze - 19Pts Zao - 19Pts Yamato - 19Pts Hakuryu - 19Pts Gearing - 19Pts Des Moines - 19Pts John Doe (special captain former Steven Seagal) Worcester - 19Pts Montana - 19Pts with premium camo Midway - 19Pts Khabarovsk - 19Pts Grozovoi - 19Pts Moskva - 19Pts Z-52 - 19Pts Hindenburg - 19Pts with premium camo Großer Kurfürst - 19Pts Minotaur - 19Pts Jack Dunkirk (special captain) Conqueror - 19Pts Yueyang - 19Pts Henry IV - 19Pts Republique - 19Pts T8 and T9: Akizuki - 19Pts (Yamamoto) Amagi - 10Pts Benson - 19Pts Baltimore - 8Pts with Freedom perma Camo Cleveland- 8Pts with Freedom perma Camo North Carolina - 19Pts Lexington - 3Pts Ognevoi - 8Pts Kiev - 11Pts Chapayev - 8Pts Bismark - 10Pts Richelieu - 10Pts and special camo from the campaign Udaloi - 9Pts Alsace - 19Pts Jean-Jaques Honore (special captain) Premium Ships: Smith Warjag - 6Pts Vampire - 6Pts Okhotnik - 10Pts Mutsu - 10Pts Molotov - 12Pts Anshan - 3Pts Aigle - 6Pts De Grasse - 10Pts Alanta - 3 Pts Indianapolis - 6 Pts Scharnhorst - 16Pts and special winter camo Belfast - 19Pts Duke of York - 8Pts and special winter camo Mikhail Kutuzov - 19Pts Tirpiz - 15Pts Missouri - 19 Pts (Halsey special captain) Kronshtadt - 10Pts Other Ships in Port: Königsberg - 11Pts Emile Bertin - 7Pts Farragut - 12Pts New Mexiko - 10Pts Gnevny - 6Pts Budyonny - 10Pts Ernst Gaede - 3Pts Leander - 12Pts Queen Elizabeth - 3Pts Fushun - 3Pts La Galissonniere - 3Pts Hiryu - 6Pts Gneisenau - 12Pts KingGeorge V - 3Pts