Sold Lvl 152 | Played on daily basis since March 2018 | Gilg, Noct, Othima, Laharl and more

Discussion in 'The Alchemist Code Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Oramaja, 9/24/18.

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  1. Oramaja

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    What do I sell?

    Level 152 TAC account including following (only most important, rest is visible on the screenshots below).


    • Zangetsu JM (85)
    • Lucian JM+ (85)
    • Logi JM+ (85)
    • Polin JM+ (85)
    • Lofia JM+ (84/85)
    • Chihaya JM+ (83/85)
    • Caris JM+ (83/85)
    • Rahu JM+ (82/85)
    • Gilgamesh, Hero JM (75)
    • Noctis, Prince JM (71/75)
    • Othima, Phantom JM (61)
    • Laharl
    Fate Collab units: Gilgamesh, Fate Yomi, Illyasviel, Archer
    FFXV Collab units: Noctis, Aranea, Gladiolus, Prompto
    Disgea Collab units: Laharl, Usalia


    • Rainbow: 225
    • Dark: 130
    • Light: 115
    • Fire: 135
    • Wind: 110
    • Water: 65
    • Lightning: 97
    • 5*: Dazzling Blade, Takemikazuchi, Guren Blade, Piercing Dawn Spear, Sword of the Father, Hardedge, Stoss Spear, Armor of Mystic Thunder, Armor of Mystic Winds, Divine Spirit Arrow, Wanderer's Hat x2, Blue Crystal Rose, Gate of Babylon, Mystical Egg, Earthen Fortune Bells, Feather Headdress, Alkemono Mascot,
    • 4*: Battlefield Drama x2, Illusion Rod, Kanshou and Bakuya Swords, Camera, Excalibur, Belva Pendant, War Labrys, Curious Doll, Heart Choker, Storch Ritter,
    • Gold Gear Shards: 165
    • Silver Gear Shards: 201
    • Lots of summon tickets, see screenshots
    • Skip tickets: 570
    • Dailies skip tickets: 119
    • SSM skip tickets: 110
    Zeni: ~130mil
    Gems: 290 paid, 108 shared (keep in mind that paid gems are only available on Android)

    Important: quantity of items could change slightly, because I keep it alive - receiving ex. new tickets and spending Zenis for good offers in shops. Also there is currently event ongoing that allows you to summon 5 gears for cost of 1 gem, so I use it daily.

    Account is not F2P, I've bought almost every month an Alchemist's Pact and few small packages of gems to get more Fate units/shards during collab.

    How can you become the owner?
    I'll pass you the User Code and password. After that it is up to you what do you do with it. But I hope you will continue to have fun from it and keep it rolling ;)

    Additional screens (status for 2018/09/22-23):

    In case you want any additional details before making an offer feel free to contact me. Price is #.

    Who am I and what I'm doing here? (aka, brief explaination)
    I'm just a regular gamer that wants to pass the result of my commitment cause I hate wasting resources - such as my time. Thus when buying from me you are 100% sure that product I'm selling is not involved in any illegal activity. I often put my time and passion to study the game on Reddit and other sources of information to make my gameplay efficient. And for that I hope for fair trades.

    I'm new on this site, also I have some bad experience in the past with scam buyer, so please forgive my that I accept payment only via cryptocurrency. That could change in the future when I feel more comfortable with whole process. (And I'm not sure how Middleman Listing is processed - if it is all within this portal, it is also fine).

    That's also why I don't accept any other form of communication but only that fully supported by PlayerUp (that's why I don't give any details about my Discord or other accounts). In case of dispute I want to have full conversation securly stored on this site. Also I don't want to get repercussion in case of breaking TOS in games I play.
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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

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  3. Killerscreed

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    I'm interested in the account and have messaged you
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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