Selling  High End  Android and iOS CIT61; 750m Power; VIP74;Full T7; Old Realm #745 Brackham

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XV FFXV - A New Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by taste0fcha0s, 9/12/18.

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  1. taste0fcha0s

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    Citadel 61 in the old and very active Realm of Brackham (#745) – Home of Vulgarian (, member of the no. 1 guild and place 32 for power realmwide

    VIP70 (permanent VIP); 200x10b & 60x100m stored for next VIP event, should be enough for VIP73

    T7 siege, warrior and mage available; cav nearly done (1 good pack with tomes away)

    13m troop capacity; actual count: 6m T7 warriors, 6m T7 mages; 1m T7 siege

    2,5m mixed traps (runes)

    250k mercs in summary; 155k mixed guardians

    Elemental troops; 24k lightning mages, 39k earth cavs

    9 marches; march size 115k (129k with Noctis); many boosts for march size increasing available

    All main buildings are 59/60 or higher; most of the side buildings are 48; special buildings:

    Guild adventurers hall 1; always around 10 contracts available

    Craftsmen shop; 300k medals & 88 bronze relicts available

    Magitec converter 3; 70m magitek reactants, 10m magitec cores, 11m sickly cores & 1,5m big cores

    Mythic forge 11; just startet collecting stuff in the dungeon to upgrade the legendary gear

    Mercenary fight pits 6; different stuff for troop recruiting available

    Commanders hall 6

    Elemency hall 5

    Crystal nexus; still locked

    Moogle merchant; always available

    Oracle temple 5; crystals and fragments for new boosts available

    Moogle market 1; 10k credits available

    Monster farm 8; lots of good monsters and eggs available

    Arcaneum; still locked

    Order of heroes 1; 8 orders unlocked

    4 Empire expansions; district 5, guardian enclave 4, earthspring 2, moogle village 2

    High research; defense, hero and economy is maxed without special tomes, attack short before T7 cav, manufacturing and adventurers high

    All heroes available:

    Noctis 108; lifetime EP doubler, lifetime MK doubler, all abilities for guild adventurers hall

    Luna 107; lifetime EP doubler, lifetime MK doubler, second ability for guild adventurers hall

    Prompto 104; lifetime EP doubler, lifetime MK doubler, second ability for guild adventurers hall

    Ignis 94; lifetime EP doubler, lifetime MK doubler

    Aranea 59

    Gladio 84

    Ravus 31

    Cidney 54; +100% lifetime EP (trap transport system available)

    A lot of good gear and gems available; Full legendary: sentinel, hunter, beastmaster, glacian, lightforge; lots of incomplete sets with legendary items and special weapons like Noctis engine blade and Promptos hangman pistols; 2x full legendary beastmaster sets to gift or trade available


    Loyalty doubler, 150% hopital capacity, 450% armour city defense and many more


    Different teleports (RVR, advanced, heroes, Samurai, neutral cities, emperors, seiryu…); lots of different boosts, RSS, unopened material chests; bubbles, MK and giftable stuff like chests and unlocks

    I was 2 times in Realm of champions/Super realm of Champions; within this guild it’s garanteed that you can go there too next time. Lots of nice people there and of course good enemies to fight with.

    19b platinum; 58b gold; 1,5m loyalty points

    This account is strong, you can play with the top players (max is 67 in Brackham) and I will keep on playing and improving until final sale. Built it by myself with iPhone/iOS since August 2017 without any pack loaders, just used genuine packs. Never gave out the login information to anybody else. Please feel free to contact me for any questions or screenshots.
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  2. OP

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    Full T7
    750m Power
    VIP 74
    Some heroes leveled up (Gladio 89, Noctis 114, Aranea 64, Luna 109)
    more Guardians (around 180k)
    around 80 contracts for adventurers hall
    26k Moogle Credits
    lots of gear improved to legendary
    more special research done
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