Hello friends, I came to this forum to sell accounts. To be exact, Battle.net accounts. I have a really big stock of accounts, they include Diablo 3, WOW Europe server, Starcraft 2 with Expansion or without them... i can get you an account with Just diablo 3 or with diablo 3 and sc2 with/without expansions, diablo 3 only, sc2 only, wow only.. the 3 of them! It all depends on my stock nand if i have that combination, we can negotiate Prices: Starcraft 2: 15EUR / 19$ Starcraft 2 with HOTS: 25EUR / 30$ Diablo 3: 28EUR / 35$ WOW EUROPE with 6 MONTHS, CATACLYSM AND MOP!: 90EUR / 115$ Combos: SC2 with hots + Diablo 3: 46EUR / 60$ SC2 + Diablo 3: 36EUR / 47$ Wow Eur With 6 months with CATACLYSM AND MOP + Diablo 3 + Sc2 with Hots: 160EUR / 208$ (ULTIMATE ACCOUNT) if you want to make your combo we can negotiate Where you cant contact me? You can contact me to my skype, my name is cdkeys.cheap Are you going first?: It depends on the trade, and the buyer... if you have rep i can go first Note: If you want multiple accounts, ask them with time becouse i need to check my stock to search for all the accounts you want. I will give the necessary info like email password name and lastname security question and date of birth Here is the verification ive got an account: Well yeah... thanks! just contact me, bye! .;