[Buying] Warframe Chat Logger (Private)

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by brooks089829, 9/22/18.

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  1. brooks089829

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    Looking to buy a Warframe Trade Chat Logger. The program should complete the following tasks:

    - On start, hook to the Warframe application
    - On user login and navigation to the trade chat tab, start logging all text. Text can be in the native HTML format used in memory or the plaintext format displayed to the user.
    - Log all messages inside the trade chat to a text file
    - When file becomes sufficiently large, create a new file and continue writing.

    The program will be running of extended periods of time so it should be reliable. The program should not be detectable, but this should not be a issue as it does not modify the game state. Ideally, this program will be used for a year or more.

    The deliverable is the source code of the application. I will pay $130 CAD for delivery of the application source code. Shoot me an IM or send me an email at [email protected] for more info.
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