I'm selling my UL account, since I've been playing less and less, and I no longer have any time to keep farming the new events. I won't clear out my friends list (that would take too much time), unless specifically requested and you're willing to pay me a bit for erasing all my chats and friends (I'll also farm a bit in order to gain exactly 10 gems for a name change). LEVEL 153 307K LANCER/ EXECUTIONER LOTS OF COLLAB COSMETICS (Vocaloid, Magica Madoka, Fairy Tale, ect.) A FEW RARE MONSTERS Things to note: - Account has Mercury, Armo, Karma Luka, [Sloth] King, crystal miku, and v1 len. - Lancer exclusive abilities (attatch weapons to gear set): Xmas Gift and Soul Berserker - If you want me to tell you something in specific about the account just ask The reason why I need the money is to buy a cintiq drawing tablet in order to do commissions and earn more... not that I need any income, since I'm only a highschool student. Please consider buying my account! Pictures: Account Pictures - Google Drive Feel free to contact me through email: [email protected]