Hey, so ye selling account with hight end DPS CLERIC 72lvl. NA 3 gears DPS PVP (DPS) HP (SUPP) All stigmas for dps and heal. Some +3 Plume +5 (+15) DPS over 5k mb with no boost skills. Staff some PVP+BM (mythic) Stones knowledge +6~ Then sm.. she more for fun kinda good for pvp. but gear nothing special. Tank he only for pvp TANKING full HP Gladi,gunner,sorc, sw use only for events and grind stuff. --- Want trade to EU acc 72+ Cleric,sm,chant or ranger. dont care about alts can make them fast easy. Want atleast some kind of gerar like good plume weap or something. Start from zero its jesus crist anoing..