Power: Troops 320+m (T5 1.7m, T4 1m, T3 40m, T2 4m) Building 90+m Research 230+m Equipment 270+m (Full 6pcs immortal for all except dark lord and hunter mark) alittle + here and there. Includes 100% training set. Resources: 982,155 golds 4b foods in packs 2.2b wood 2.9b stone 2.3b iron 1.3b silver Stats: VIP20 Lord lv55 14 heroes including mikoto & revenant (highest lv47) 30+m honour points Speed ups and buffs: Plenty speed up but mostly 8hr 3hr 1hr 15mins (will have to see screenshots) 7 100% all buff left
Power: Troops 330mil (T5 1.7m, T4 1m, T3 40m, T2 4m) Building 103mil Research 239mil Equipment 274mil (Full 6pcs immortal for all except dark lord and hunter mark) alittle + here and there. Includes 100% training set. Resources: 995, 640 golds 4b foods in packs 2.5b wood 3.3b stone 2.7b iron 1.4b silver Stats: VIP20 Lord lv55 14 heroes including mikoto & revenant (highest lv47) 35+mil honour points Speed ups and buffs: Plenty speed up but mostly 8hr 3hr 1hr 15mins (will have to see screenshots) 6 100% all buff left