Hi, I’m selling my account as I do not use it anymore and would be better off with someone who enjoys the game. I’ve been playing this for over 2 years now and spent a lot of money and put in plenty of time too message me on here if you need anything else. Thankyou. 348.5M credits 53.5k cantina credits 51.1k squad arena credits 78.5 squad area credits 14.46 guild event tokens
I don’t have a Swgoh.gg because that would mean I would have to Set it up in my email. I’d rather leave that for the buyer to do rather than me. I’ve done a lot more to that account since I’ve posted it. I will send you the pictures via email. [email protected]. Many thanks.
Just sent you an email. Can you give some info on mods and also what level your at for ships and arena etc.