[Selling] ilvl 454 Warrior, Oath weapon, Tons of endgame mats, perfect stats, multichar

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RX9T, 9/7/18.

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  1. RX9T

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    Selling my ilvl 454 end game Warrior (Oath weapon) account + multi characters ~444!


    -Full entropy accessories ( x2 Pumped III rings, x2 Pumped II earrings ), Full armors/weapon etchings
    -1.5 mount
    -Diamond laurel
    -Oath weapon ( 2 tabs, double enraged and double cdr, FULL end game etching )
    -Latest CDR mask, Marrow brooch, endgame pve dyads for armor and weapon, +12 power underwear
    -Stormcry +9 gloves, +5 boots, +4 chest
    -Abyss Raider title
    -A lot of endgame materials in bank ready for you to easily enchant your endgame gear

    The account has 10 level 65 characters
    Priest ilvl 444 : (Armor crafting maxed + design) +9 frostmetal weapon, cool mounts, Witness to History title, IV etchings, gold laurel and much more ( see screenshots )
    Lancer : +0 full frosmetal with quatrefoil brooch, full IV etchings + vyrsk, school girl costumes/valkyrie helm, cool weapon skin. AWAKENED
    Mystic : +0 full frostmetal with cleansing brooch, full IV etchings + vyrsks, cute outfit (a nightfall costume for high elf too), skilled in most farmable dungeons. AWAKENED

    Here's a much more detailed album with screenshots of the characters/banks

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    If youre interested in the account please feel free to message me on Discord, price is around 200 EUR ( # ), RX9T#0907
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