Sold 91k CR Ranger Thundercal UPDATE now 100k CR

Discussion in 'Crusaders of Light Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DonutellaTC, 7/17/18.

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  1. DonutellaTC

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    I won't be able to play so often anymore, so I'd like to sell this account instead of letting it die.

    Thank you for looking!


    What you'll get: My STEAM login. The game is already binded with my personal email and Facebook., so I won't be able to give that out. This can be played on Android and your computer. I am not sure how COL works on Apple products. If you use steam to login there, then you can also play COL on your iphone/ipad.

    HP: 29,6xx
    ATTK: 2459-2684, does about 55k - 60kdps
    P. Def: 2560
    M. Def: 2610
    Crit: 65.7%
    Hit Rating: 144.8%
    Achievement: Divine x5 with 11400/12000

    :::::STAR CIRCLE:::::
    Swift: T7 93.7% Identifited
    Dex: T5 50/50
    Motivation: T3 30/30
    Flourish: T3 21/30
    Roar: T3 15/30
    Mytic: T2 2/20

    :::::Equisite Legends Emerged::::::
    - Bow (S), lvl 384, Evolve lvl 21
    - Quiver (S), lvl 352, Evolve 12
    - Helmet (S), lvl 352, Evolve 3
    - Jacket (S), lvl 352, Evolve 20
    - Pauldrons (SS), lvl 352, Evolve 2
    - Breeches (S), lvl 400, Evolve 2
    - Boots (SS), lvl 384, Evolve 15
    - Vambraces (S), lvl 368, Evolve 5
    - Sash (S), lvl 352,Evolve 10
    - Cape (S): lvl 352, Evolve 5

    ::::Other Gear::::
    - Sailors Necklace (A), lvl 400, Spinnin Carapace set
    - Manaflame Bracelet (A), lvl 320, Beacon set
    - Twisting Tailisman (S), lvl 336, Spinnning Carapace set
    - Manaflame Earrings (A), lvl 304, Beacon set (Have a 352 earring (B) but haven't reforged it yet)
    - Blessed Treasure of Bishop aS), lvl 120, Blood Thirst set
    - Holy Gold Waist Pendant (A), lvl 200,
    - Extraordinary Lava Ring (A), lvl 272

    - Spinning Carapace 3/3 (4/3 are on gear. I haven't swapped out yet.)
    - Beacon 3/3 (4/3 are on gear. I haven't swapped out yet.)
    - Blood Thirst 3/3
    - Samsara 2/2
    - Wild Missle 2/3
    - Carapace & Noc can be switched out for 1 Firebomb or Sword dancer
    - Beast Master 4/4 can be swapped in if you want to be a Tamer
    - Scout 4/4 Can be swapped in. I don't use it as I don't see it being beneficial anymore.

    - have all HOS slots filled, 2 lvl 30 hos, 4 lvl 20 hos
    - 2 lvl 50 attk diamonds
    - 2 lvl 40 MOL
    - 2 lvl 30 MOL
    **** Two more lvl 50s diamonds needed make lvl 50 MOL****
    - various DEF/SDEF/HP diamonds with max stats of +2.5%. I move around and dismantle these often to make the MOLS/HOS, so they range from lvl 30-lvl 50

    ::::Just the Cool Mounts (Have all normal ones too)::::
    - Blaze Warhourse
    - Nonvulpes
    - Keeper of Dreams
    - Flame Spirit

    - both Raven headwear and outfit

    ::::Back Pendants:::
    - Lucky pup
    - wings of love right
    - wings of love left
    - little devil wings
    - ice soul flowery
    - yearnstar's whisper garland
    - voyage compass

    - Nature set 3/3
    - Bloodfeather 4/4
    - Hunter 4/4
    - Nightbane 4/4
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Offsett

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    Is this still available?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP

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    Yes, still available. Now with 97k CR 115k-160kdps
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  4. OP

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    HP: 33,xxx
    ATTK: 2832-3026, 115k dps - 160k dps on attk dummy.
    P. Def: 3039
    M. Def: 3034
    Crit: 69.5
    Hit Rating: 144.9%
    Achievement: Divine x6 with 12220/13000

    :::::STAR CIRCLE:::::
    Swift: T7 102% Identifited
    Dex: T6 60/60 84.9% identified
    Motivation: T4 40/40
    Flourish: T3 30/30
    Roar: T3 30/30
    Mytic: T2 11/20

    :::::Equisite Legends Emerged::::::
    - Bow (S), lvl 400, Evolve lvl 33
    - Quiver (S), lvl 400, Evolve 30
    - Helmet (S), lvl 352, Evolve 20
    - Jacket (S), lvl 400, Evolve 30
    - Pauldrons (SS), lvl 400, Evolve 23
    - Breeches (S), lvl 400, Evolve 31
    - Boots (SS), lvl 400, Evolve 31
    - Vambraces (S), lvl 384, Evolve 30
    - Sash (S), lvl 384, Evolve 30
    - Cape (S): lvl 368, Evolve 21
    **NEW LEG**
    - Talisman (S), lvl 384, Evolve 30
    - BRACELET has been identified up to lvl 288, slot evolve 22

    ::::Other Gear::::
    - Sailors Necklace (A), lvl 400, evolve 30
    - Manaflame Bracelet (A), lvl 320, evolve 22
    - Sailors earrings (A), lvl 368, evolve 30
    - Blessed Treasure of Bishop (S), lvl 120, evolve 21
    - Holy Gold Waist Pendant (A), lvl 200, evolve 30
    - Extraordinary Lava Ring (A), lvl 272, evolve 29

    - 2/2 Time echo
    - 3/3 Beacon
    - 3/3 Fire bomb
    - 3/3 Blood thirst
    - 2/3 Wild Missile

    - 1 lvl 50 fireworks diamon, 2.5% crit
    - 1 lvl 50 MOL
    - 1 lvl 30 MOL
    - 5 lvl 40 MOL
    - 4 lvl 30 HOS
    - 2 lvl 20 HOS
    - green, blue, and yellow diamonds vary from lvl 30 - lvl 50, max stat

    - new scorpion mount
    - new bike mount
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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