Sold 7.1million+ roster including 6 star PG, fully maxed, lvl 70 gear

Discussion in 'Injustice 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ForTheRogues, 8/24/18.

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  1. ForTheRogues

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    First of all, this is for iOS users....

    You may have seen my account on YouTube named after me where I have showcased by top fighters in raids. I am tired with this game and no longer feel entertained by it therefore have decided to sell this account for $1300. Yes, I swear I have spent this exact amount into the game maxing out more than 5 characters. I’ve got many 6 star characters also at level 60 if not more, including MVTF, TKGG, CC, MVSG, JLCB, BNBM etc - it’s a very comprehensive roster!

    With regards to my PG, she can easily do 2.5million damage alone in raids. Same goes for my Captain Cold. You can view my YouTube channel here: ForTheRogues - YouTube

    Email me via: [email protected] for visual evidence of my roster if necessary. I want a quick and fast payment from a faithful buyer. Thanks!

    P.S. I’ve also got Discord: ForTheRogues#2256

    If the price is too steep, negotiations can be made.
    #1 ForTheRogues, 8/25/18
    Last edited: 8/24/18
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