Hello, I'm not sure how this site works, I'm here by recommendation, so let's go. I'll post as much information about the character, and any questions, contact me. If I delay, have patience, I am still learning to use the site Detail: These prints were made today, and every day you can have new upgrades. Detail2: 11 diamond lv50= 2.5 and 9 diamond lv40 = 2.5 , 7 sparking atk lv40 and 1 lv50 -- 2 hearth the sea 40 and 4 lv30 Detail3: 17 diamond PvP and 11 Epic PvP gems 3 star Illumintt + 1 star 55% + 1 star 68% + +1 star 51% This character is linked with "google play" "Facebook. Gameroom" and "Steam", however, Facebook. and google play email is commercial / business and because of this, I will not be able to go along with the account. I will only transfer access to Steam. And with it, the future owner can play through the computer and the phone / tablet. This account is the sole owner. I created it myself and I only played it and had access to it all the time. Reason for the sale: Now that I have more time to play, I will return to my old game, as some friends will come back with me and meet the whole group there.