The characters of note for this account are as follow: Leif +1 (+Def/-Res w/ Swift Sparrow) Alm +1 (+Atk/-Spd, weapon refined) Brave Lyn (Neutral) Marisa Vanguard Ike (Neutral) PA Azura (+Def/-Spd) Julia (+Hp/-Atk) Fjorm (Neutral) Zelgius +1 (+Hp/-Res w/Steady Breath) Nowi +4 (+Res/-Hp w/ Steady Breath) LA Hector (+Def/-HP) Grima (+Res/-Spd, w/ Warding Breath) WoT Reinhardt (Neutral) WoT Olwen (+Atk/-HP) Sigurd (+Def/-Res) Cav Eirika (+Atk/-HP) PA Inigo +2 (+HP/-Atk) Lene (+Def/-Res) Young Tiki (+Res/-HP) Archer Hinoka (+Res/-Def) Bridal Sanaki (+Res/-HP) Mia (-Atk/Flashing Blade Fodder) Genny (+Hp/-Res, Wrathful fodder) Legault (+Def/-Res, Close Counter) Raven +4 (+Spd/-HP) Shiro (+Atk/-Res) # #/FezAndWand # .