Trading  Ultimate/Limited Edition  50-100 Wins  PC Stacked Fortnite Acc ~ taking offers, wanting a white TG set or black hoodie! (or black pants)

Discussion in 'Fortnite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by jrmegatron, 8/10/18.

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  1. jrmegatron

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    Wanting to trade my fortnite account worth $400-420 USD
    Currently has the Season 5 Battlepass currently Tier 38 with 9/10 stars (1 off tier 39).
    Screenshots taken before Season 5 release:
    Skins -
    Screenshot - e80f214fde53e7a8aa600d698b060ce0 - Gyazo
    Screenshot - 5f5fb8da12faf60fd02ec53664aac1a0 - Gyazo
    Backpacks -
    Screenshot - 9b12400555c48fb8ea90244347f04200 - Gyazo
    Pickaxes -
    Screenshot - 866971522edd796cb58fce94882b1f61 - Gyazo
    Gliders -
    Screenshot - d8323ed3b073bdb09926615d1856ba28 - Gyazo
    Contrails -
    Screenshot - 0d4bdb3cf5fa2bff90571e69dfdcebe3 - Gyazo
    Loading screens -
    Screenshot - 03e459fa1e00e6c13c40b0bd40344139 - Gyazo
    Emotes (there's a lot!) -
    Screenshot - 9610ab86aaaa0e80a6396157dd5bc6bc - Gyazo
    Screenshot - 779df6b2b1febd70c47022163feb56b7 - Gyazo
    Screenshot - 199479a8ebd8fb4d8ae8c18e49bc25d6 - Gyazo
    there is more stickers, but no point adding it.
    Has both valentine skins, Bunny Brawler (easter) and both twitch prime packs too.
    Stats - 93 total wins, 2.19 solo K/D, 2.96 duo K/D, 2.03 squad K/D, overall 2.27 K/D. 4573 kills, 2109 matches, avg kills a game 2.17.

    ALSO, if your h1 account has skull store items and possible royalty emotes/items, be sure to definitely hmu <3
    P.S Account has 800 v-bucks on it currently and you can get another 800 once it reaches tier 100.

    And I don't want any BS, just a quick trade. If you want to be funny and charge back the steam account, I will do the same with my account.
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  2. OP

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    Price removed, wanting a black hoodie acc, white set acc or black pants (depending on what else the account has)

    Feel free to make offers, the price is removed, I want what I can get for it.
    ty :), battlepass tier is now 57. (s5)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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