Selling  Helping those who are busy with work or real life issue taking care of their account

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by OwenYap, 8/10/18.

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  1. OwenYap

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    Hello there, I am Owen. I am offering a free service to help those who need help of taking care of their accounts. First of all just a brief about myself, I just started this game 124days ago, I am a F2P as well as a farmer and I currently own 5 accounts(one main and the rest are hyper farm accs) and playing two accounts which belongs to my guild mates as they are busy with works. I am looking forward to help a T4 player manage his/her account.

    Why T4? and what will I be doing on that account?
    1st Migrate it to the kingdom which I am at now. (A dead kingdom)
    2nd Do all the daily tasks : Monster Hunting, Gathering rss, swipe hero stages, runs couple of darknest, making pacts. do constructions and researches as well.
    3rd Making sure that you wont lose any single troop from being attacked by enemy / Helping to shield 24/7.

    I am good with FB, Gmail, AppleID and also Wechat. You could logon your account anytime you want.
    If you are interested please leave me a message. This is basically base on trust. Wanna talk on facebook./Line/Whatsapp? Do leave me a message :D Cheers. Have a nice day and thanks for your reading time.
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  2. PlayerUp

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