With this account, You will have everything You need, and what You want - You can buy if you have questions please contact me Stats: Hours: 3200 in-game Ready to rank up to MR25 (0 mr points needed) Equipment: 434/453 Plat: 19999 Modrating: 255k + 1 legendary core Endo: 66k (+174k in Ayatans) Kuva: 16k Rivens: 64/66 (lots of very good and some less usefull ones) Frames Ash, Ash P 2 forma Atlas 2 forma Banshee 2 forma, Banshee P 2 forma Chroma 7 forma Ember P 4 forma Equinox 4 forma Excal Umbra Excal 3 forma Frost P 4 forma (+ unranked frost p) Gara 3 forma Harrow 2 forma Hydroid 3 forma, Hydroid P Inaros 2 forma Ivara 3 forma Limbo 2 forma Loki P 1 forma, Loki P 2 forma Mag P 3 forma (+ unranked mag p) Mesa 4 forma Mirage 4 forma, Mirage P rank 29 Nekros 4 forma, Nekors P 4 forma Nezhha 4 forma Nidus 4 forma Nova 2 forma, Nova P 5 forma Nyx P 1forma Oberon 5 forma, Oberon P 1 forma Octavia 2 forma Rhino P 6 forma Saryn 4 forma, Saryn P 5forma Tatania 4 forma Trinity 3 forma, Trinity P 5 forma Valkyr 4 forma, ValkyrP Vauban 2 forma, Vauban P 2 forma Volt P 5 forma Wukong 4 forma Zephyr 3 forma Sentinels All Carrier P 5 forma Helios P 3 forma Prisma Shade 5 forma Weapons Not gonna name all, but every decent and high-end has formas Spare weapons (R0): Quanta V, Vaykor Hek, Rakta Cernos, (Basicly missing stuff from Zephyr P release up till current update, due to inactivity) Arcanes: Aigis: 15 Avenger: 12 Barrier: 21 Fury: 19 Energize: 10 Grace: 27 Guardian: 16 Pulse: 19 + a ot of trash ones Forma 7, + a bp 66 Catalysts 7 Reactors Arcane Helmets: Vanguard Storm Chorus Aura Cosmetics: Acanthus P Set + Uru P Syandana (Nekors P Accessories) Targis P Set (Nyx P Accessoires) Edo P Set (Volt P Accessories) Citadella Syandana (Vauban P Accessories) Cycuta P Syandana (Saryn P Accessories) Pakal Set (Stalker pack) Vauban Phased (from steam) Eos P set Harkonar Wraith set (Event) Tennogen: Grast skin, helmet (Frost) Incubus skin, Helmet(Loki) Sigyn (Mirage) Grax Wildfire Syandana Nsaru Syandana Teplo Syandana lots of cool stances, lots of delux packs, and a bunch of attachments from marked Syndicates: Steel Meridian - Arbiters Hexis - Cephalon Suda - Red Veil Ostron - Quills Conclave Simaris ALL MAX RANK