Account for sale: Server: Certatus Level: 480 Power: 275,000,000,000,000 to 305,000,000,000 (depending on guild boost) Jewels: 9,000 Tap Run: 1850 auto requires 450 elemental. It is producing positive net elemental each day. Can do about 6-8 auto runs without spending extra jewels. HoW Level 40. Have full rag set of old star monsters. For new immo star, have the following: 2 x holy, 2 x dark, 2 x earth, 2 x air, 1 x water. Missing 1 water (ence) immo star. Don’t have any fire immo star (regret). Feel free to message. Looking at offers. Haven’t decided anything firm at the moment, but I am interested in letting this account go. Been playing since the start of this server. Time for me to move on.
Updated Info as of May 8, 2018: Jewels: 20 (spent it) Stamina: 2,076 Energy: 778 Health: 100 Tap: Heart of Warlod Level: 194 Lucky Coin Level: 698 Crystal Skulls: 659 *Just recently poured $70 into the game some more. Spent a total of 20,000 jewels chasing star immortal Ence and failed. Thought I could get a second copy of her. In the process, I did pull 3 more immortal star of the other regular guy. He is not that special.
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