Sold Trading Fortnite Account (season 3 and 4 tier 100, decent skins, ok kd) msg offers

Discussion in 'Fortnite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by sgyt., 7/27/18.

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  1. sgyt.

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    Hello everyone!

    I am making this thread to trade my account. I have a lot of cool items with an alright kd, I just want to trade this account for some other cool accounts and see what I can get!



    -What I am looking for-
    Your account must have:
    -tier 100 for both S3 & S4
    -love ranger (cuddle team leader not necessary but is nice :) )
    -decent purchased skins to compensate for the skins that I have (like the red knight, leviathan, battle hound, and cuddle team leader)
    -at least one purchased glider and pickaxe (decent ones too)
    -good purple emotes

    Do keep in mind that I do not have the S5 battle pass and am not planning on getting it.

    To contact me, please add me on discord: stooveen#1091

    Thanks and I hope to get some replies soon!
    #1 sgyt., 7/28/18
    Last edited: 7/27/18
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